Percentage Increase in Salary Calculator
Salary Increase Calculator
Calculate your salary increase or find your new salary based on a percentage hike
How It Calculate
- Subtract the old salary from the new salary.
- Divide the result by the old salary.
- Multiply by 100 to get the percentage increase.
- View your result in the highlighted box below the calculator.
Formula Used
For Percentage Increase:
Percentage Increase = ((New Salary - Current Salary) / Current Salary) x 100
For New Salary by Percentage:
New Salary = Current Salary x (1 + (Percentage Increase / 100))
Example #1
If your old salary was $50,000 and your new salary is $55,000:
- Current Salary: $50,000
- New salary is $55,000
Calculating the new salary:
New Salary = [(55,000 - 50,000) / 50,000] 100 = (5,000 / 50,000) x 100 = 10%
Therefore, your salary is increased by 10%.
Example #2
Let's say your current salary is $50,000 and you receive a 5% increase:
- Current Salary: $50,000
- Percentage Increase: 5%
Calculating the new salary:
New Salary = $50,000 x (1 + (5 / 100)) = $50,000 x 1.05 = $52,500
Therefore, after a 5% increase, your new salary would be $52,500.
Other Important Tools
Go to Percentage Change Calculator : To measure overall change.
Go to Percentage Difference Calculator : To compare two values
Go to Percentage Increase Calculator : To find how much a value has grown.