Percentage Difference Calculator
Calculate Percentage Difference
Formula Used
The formula for calculating percentage difference is:
Percentage Difference = (|Value1 - Value2| / ((Value1 + Value2) / 2)) x 100
How It's Calculated
- Find the absolute difference between the two values.
- Calculate the average of the two values
- Divide the absolute difference by the average.
- Multiply by 100 to get the percentage difference.
- Round the result to the specified number of decimal places
Example of percentage difference
If Value 1 is 50 and Value 2 is 70:
Percentage Difference = [(|50 - 70|) / ((50 + 70) / 2)] x 100 = (20 / 60) x 100 = 33.33%
Percentage difference vs Percentage change
Yes when you are working with percentage its important to know the difference.
- Percentage difference: Here we compare the difference between two values and return the result as the percentage of there average. For example when we have to compare the height of two people or the price of two products.
- Percentage Change: This help to measure how much the value is increase or decrease relative to its original value. It is commonly used to track growth, trend, population, change in salary, stock price.
Other Important Tools
Go to Percentage Decrease Calculator : To calculate reductions in value.
Go to Percentage Increase Calculator : To find how much a value has grown.
Go to Percentage Change Calculator : To measure overall change.