Welcome to FastPercentageCalculator

Online free tool to calculate a percentage on a single click


No.1 Free Tool For Percentage Calculations

FastPercentageCalculator offers a wide range of calculation tools.where you can figure out your salary increment, the difference between 2 numbers by percentage, increase/decrease and many more.

Percentage calculation illustration

Our Tools

Percentage Increase Calculator

Compute the percentage increase between two numbers

Percentage Decrease Calculator

Compute the percentage decrease between two number or value.

Percentage Difference Calculator

Figure the difference between 2 number in percentage

Percentage Increase In Salary Calculator

Calculate the percenatge increase in salary between your last and new salary amount.

Percentage Change Calculator

Calculate the changes between two number in percentage.

How It Works

  1. Choose any calcuator tool according to your need from above Tools section or Menu bar.
  2. Click on the "Try It Now" button
  3. Enter the initial value and final value
  4. Then Click on "Calculate" button and your result will be displayed below.
Note: When you go to the salary increase calculator here, you will get 2 options to choose. By default, percentage by salary is selected, showing how much your salary increases by percentage.
How it works illustration

Why Choose FastPercentageCalculator

Accuracy in percenatge calculation


Our calculators are make to give you accurate result you can rely on.

Ease of use icon

Ease of Use

Our tool is super easy to use, with simple and user-friendly design.

Versatility in percentage calculation


We are multiple calculator to handle all your percenatge-related problems.

Formulas Used

Percentage Increase
Percentage Increase = [(New Value - Old Value) / Old Value] X 100
Percentage Decrease
Percentage Decrease = [(Old Value - New Value) / Old Value] X 100
Percentage Difference
Percentage Difference = [(|Value 1 - Value 2|) / ((Value 1 + Value 2) / 2)] X 100
Percentage Increase in Salary
Percentage Increase in Salary = [(New Salary - Old Salary) / Old Salary] X 100
Percentage Change Formula
Percentage Change = [(New Value - Old Value) / Old Value] X 100

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a percentage calculator?

A percentage calculator is an online tool that help your to get solution of your problems related to percentage like finding how much percent your salary increase or decrease, or changes between two value in percent, etc

Can I calculate percentage decrease with this tool?

Yes, you can it have very simple interface you will find this tool in the navbar or all tools section. Just enter the initial value and reduced value and rest our tool will handle.

What is the percentage difference calculator used for?

If you want to calculate the difference between two numbers and want its output in percentage, then this tool is perfect for you.

How do I calculate a percentage increase in salary?

If you received a raise, you can use our percentage increase in salary calculator to figure out the exact percentage of your salary increment. Enter your current salary and new salary, and our tool will give you the result.

What is the formula for percentage change?

Percentage Change = [(New Value - Old Value) / Old Value] X 100 but your don't have to worry about the formula our tool will save your time and effort.

Is your percentage calculator free to use?

Yes, it will be absolutely free for a lifetime; you don't have to pay a single penny.

Can I use this calculator on my mobile device?

Fastpercentagecalculator is mobile friendly and you can use it on any device size. So you can do your calculation anytime anywhere.

Why should I use an online percentage calculator instead of doing the math manually?

If you are learning, then you must solve the problem manually by doing practice, but the motto of our tool is to save your time and reduce the risk of error. It's especially helpful in solving complex problems like percentage differences and percentage changes, where doing it manually can be tricky.

How do I calculate percentage increase using this tool ?

You have to first go to this link and there enter the initial value and final value, then select the decimal place, or you can ignore this option, then click on the calculate button. You can get the result below in less than 1 second.
